During his working life, Justin has worked on vineyards around Europe and also worked on Southampton Docks where he was even elected as a Trades Union shop steward. From studying law at Southampton University he trained as a barrister however, recognising his astonishing lack of talent went into international corporate and trade finance in Uganda and in South East Asia where he lived in Singapore.
Returning to the UK he was involved in the development of Big Bang in 1986 with BZW. From this he, with others, went on to found Broker Services which eventually went to become Barclays Stockbrokers where he was Corporate Development Director.
He is an enthusiast for greater financial education and the reform of investment structures for both investors and companies needing easier access for funding. As a result he has helped in the establishment of educational body Proshare, and also the development of the AIM market.
Currently, he is keen on developing reforms for government privatisations as well as the development of regional investment structures for businesses of all sizes. He is a regular commentator and columnist on the media and is often called upon to demystify complicated financial jargon and stories.
He and his business partner of many years founded Seven Investment Management (7IM) in 2001 to provide some “radical common sense” to change “a lazy, lethargic and self-satisfied” investment industry which they saw as being primarily run for the benefit of itself rather its clients.
He is an amateur archaeologist and in the summer of 2015 went to Rome with his old university to take part in an archaeological dig and this summer will be joining another dig in Northern Israel. Justin has an Irish wife, an Indonesian daughter, three Burmese cats, one motor cycle and a British racing green 1964 Morris Traveller.
In March 2015 Justin won The Spectator Money Award for Lifetime Achievement and in March 2017 he won the Outstanding Contribution Award at the City of London Wealth Management Awards.
Seven Investment Management LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Member of the London Stock Exchange. Registered office: 125 Old Broad Street, London. EC2N 1AR. Registered in England and Wales No. OC378740